T3 Profiles | Learn more
T3KYOonTwitch  | T3 Profiles
So what is a "T3 Profile" and how does it work?
As you take part within T3KYO's stream, with contest, events,
and other channel activities, you'll be able to earn awards,
purchase gear, and access any purchased items for
redownloading, like profile images and banners.

Once your profile is unlocked and created, your activity will begin
being tracked as you partake within the channel and with
activities, and your T3 profile is where you'll be able to see this.
Once you've unlocked the profile, you'll be able to access all this
information and have it viewable at anytime.

T3 profiles are not manageable by you, but are merely a record
of activity. When you purchase items or gear, or take part with
community events, you profile will be updated with this
information on a daily basis.

IMPORTANT: Activity prior to unlocking your T3 profile will
not count towards Awards or any other acknowledgment.
All required actions for awards must be performed again
for them to be recorded to the T3 profile.

WARNING: In order to use Gear, you must have unlocked your
T3 Profile via the store. If you purchase Gear with your credits,
they will be processed, but you will not recieve the gear.
Building your "T3 Profile".
T3 profiles are an accumulation of activity within T3KYO's twitch
channel. As previously stated, it is a collection of everything that
you've done so far through participation and community activities.

To build up your profile, you merely need to stay active,
participate with channel events and purchase items with your
earned credits (the channel's currency).

Profile pictures, Banners, and Profile Music
When you purchase content from the digital store with your
credits, such as a profile image or banner to use on your twitch
profile, this content is also used on your T3 profile.
Only profile images and profile banners created from the digital
store are used for your T3 profile. Additionally, when you
purchase a chiptune track to be created, this will also be added
to your T3 profile as your profile's music track.

Awards are earned and unlocked as you perform the required
task for earning each one. As you earn awards, they will become
unlocked and become visible on your profile for showing the
requirements have been met.

Purchased Items and Gear
When items and gear are purchased with credits, these are
added to your profile and listed. If items are meant as
downloads, they will be accessible through your T3 profile. For
Gear, these will be listed until the you decide to use them.

Pixel Art
When you enter art based events, your art submitted to that event
will be collected and added to the My Art section on your T3
profile for you to always view, but also to share by sharing your