T3 Profiles | Awards
Awards are earned by participating within the community on various levels. You can earn awards by
entering events and contest, by accepting gaming and real life challenges dictated by T3KYO or the
community, and by using credits to collect all items and gear from the digital store on the main site.

Awards listed below are subject to change. Awards may be removed or added in the future.
T3KYOonTwitch  | T3 Profiles
Party Up!
Is a follower of T3KYO's twitch channel.

- Is a subscriber to T3KYO's channel.

(Not required  to earn the "HOLY GRAQ" Award)
- Hangs with T3KYO a lot (consistent award).
- T3KYO has declared you are awesome (given at T3KYO's discretion).
  All them credits...
- obtained more than 5,000 credits.
  Artist at Heart
- Entered an art contest/event.
  Raffle champ!
- Won your first raffle.
  I'll take that!
- Won a giveaway.
  I spy...
- Found one of Kasci's Secrets.
  What a character!
- Was featured as a character in T3KYO's twitch based media content.
- Purchased a profile picture from the digital store.
  Bigger Picture...
- Purchased a profile banner from the digital store.
  Dat Beat!
- Purchased a chiptune style track from the digital store.
  Suit Up!
- Purchased your first piece of Gear from the gear shop.
  My Stuff!
- Unlocked your T3 profile page.
  Got your back!
- Played with T3KYO in an online game as a teammate.
  You and Me...
- Played with T3KYO in an online Co-op game.
  Get Rekt!
- Beat T3KYO in an online game (+400 credit bonus).
  GG. Not Really.
- Beat T3KYO in a series of games (+800 credit bonus).
  From me to you...
- Donated to the channel (+2000 credit bonus).
(Not required  to earn the "HOLY GRAQ" Award)
  Check this guy out!
- Hosted T3KYO's channel stream on your channel.
  Rags to Riches.
- obtained more than 10,000 credits.
  Hidden Award
- This award is currently a Hidden Award.
  Swagged Out...
- At one point, purchased all items in the digital store (no including alternate versions of the same item).
  Hidden Award
- This award is currently a Hidden Award.
- Obtained more than 50,000 credits.
  Dat Flow!
- Was declared the winner in a twitch channel chat rap battle.
  Decked out!
- At one point, purchased all listed Gear from the Gear shop.
  Imma' Drop a Beat!
- Entered a music based contest/event.
  Challenge accepted!
- Accepted and beat T3KYO's challenge (life or VG based).
- Obtained more than 1,000,000 credits.
  In it to Win it!
- Entered a channel held gaming tournament.
  Bet You Can't!
- Completed a video game challenge dictated by T3KYO/community.
- Challenged T3KYO in a game with 5000+ credits on the line and won (credits doubled bonus).
  Top That!
- Got a higher total score/better time record than T3KYO in the same game (+500 credit bonus).
  What a Dingus...
- In a video game, GENUINELY failed, recorded the fail, uploaded the moment online, and then shared the video with T3KYO.
  Teller of Tales...
- Wrote a short story about an assigned Character or Topic dictated by T3KYO.
  That's me!
- Earned a channel command of your twitch name.
  All them' Awards...
- At one point, collected more than half of all Awards listed.
  Jack of all Trades...
- Participated in an art, written story, and music based channel event/contest.
  Hidden Award
- This award is currently a Hidden Award.
- At one point, earned all awards listed.