T3KYO is very open to feedback about improving the stream, and is always wanting to hear suggestions to make it more fun, interactive, and enjoyable.

If you have any feedback to provide, let T3KYO know in the stream's chat, or feel free to send him a message across twitch!

At the moment, T3KYO does not have the necessary funds to purchase additional hardware, or update current hardware for improving the stream, or have the funds to purchase new games and gaming accessories.
His priorities with funds are focused on living necessities and self-funding for his projects, which requires additional equipment, supplies, and prototypes.

As this can halter the progress for improving the stream quality on twitch, T3KYO is open to accepting sponsoring funds (donations), and as a gift of gratitiude, will send all sponsoring recipients digital content related to twitch.

For more information on sponsoring/donating, see here.

Click here to see a list of equipment/games that are being sought out for the channel's improvement.

Channel improvement