Kasci !commands
Channel !commands

General !commands

!songrequest [when request activated]


Commands can now be used on T3KYO's channel thanks to the implementation of Kasci the bot. Below, you can find the most common commands for receiving information and performing actions in the channel.
For commands to buy items, see the store page, here.
The command list above will increase and change over time as the channel continues to evolve, additionally, not all commands have been listed. A portion of commands are hidden in each category, but are accessible upon experimenting with the channel's !command system.

See the next section regarding commands and interaction with Kasci the bot ------->>>
Using the !command system, you can
interact with Kasci specifically, and
question her on topics regarding the
stream or herself. This can be done by
stating her name within a command
that either follows or precedes a
topic/statement/question in it's
most simplistic form.

Example of addressing kasci:
!hellokasci or !howareyoukasci

Another variation of interacting with
Kasci is to actually command her to
perform a task, to which you would
state her name after the

Example of commanding:
!singkasci or !jokekasci

As Kasci is developed, her responses
to various topics will increase, and
change periodically.
!Command system
Announcer !commands
Coming soon!
Please see the store for command purchasing details.

These commands will have a cooldown time for usage and must be voted by a majority to activate each one.