
Announcer Phrases Info
During FPS games, hear a phrase shouted out by an announcer when T3KYO eliminates a certain
number of players or racks up points on the opposing team! Choose a phrase that can be activated and
voted on in the chat when T3KYO does damage or fails.
All commands must be voted on to activate and have a cooldown time for usage.

Purchase command: !buyannouncer  (only 10 available! One person per command!)

Be creative! Have fun! Be silly! Click here to hear a demo of ideas:

Rules for phrases:
Must be appropriate for all ages. Cannot not contain words related to death (have fun and be creative).

Current announcer phrase for purchase (first come basis).
----Phrases no longer available will be grayed out----
1.) First place/Won based phrase ----------------------  "(insert short phrase)"

2.) Last place/Lose based phrase ----------------------- "(insert short phrase)"

3.) Starting match phrase ----------------------------------- "(insert short phrase)"

4.) Objective based encouragement -------------------- "(insert short phrase)"

5.) Spree from no death ------------------------------------- "(insert word)-spree!"

6.) Spree from no death (2nd) ----------------------------- "(insert short phrase)"

7.) Clutch moments/plays in match ---------------------- "EAT MY SHORTS!"

8.) Amazing feat achieved --------------------------------- "(insert short phrase)"

9.) Denied/failing in a match ------------------------------- "(insert short phrase)"

10.) Encouragement on gameplay ---------------------- "(insert short phrase)"

When all commands have been purchased, they will be given a command for using and listed
on the !command page for usage.